Meals with Friends and Family in Italy



I can't think of a better way to display our many friends from Italy than by showing photos of some of the many notable dining events we enjoyed together. So, here goes:


Lunch at di Penzo in Ponte a Moriano





Lunch on the patio





Lunch with Robert and Kay at their villa





Another lunch at di Pinzo





And, yet another lunch at di Pinzo





Lunch with Anna and Feliche at La Locarda Dei Lupari in Benabbio





With the kids at Del Sono in Bagni di Lucca





Partying at Jim and Katie's villa in Aquilea





Lunch at Donna Bella in Florence





The family in Venice





Pizza party with friends in the back yard





Dinner with Flo and family in Milan





Ready for dinner on Anna's terrace





Dinner is served. The view from the table? Look...





...from my chair. How bad is this!





With Norman and Deirdre on the patio





With Anna and Feliche at the "acquolina in bocca" pizza parlor in upper Benabbio. Their "Superman" pizza is the best we have ever had anywhere!!





And, this is it!!





Lots of birthday parties for the twins and Emily at Katie and Jim's





With Tamarra and Harry in Marina di Pisa





And, of course, there are the hundreds of fabulous meals Faye and I have savored everywhere we went. Here in Torre di Benaco on Lago di Garda.





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